Items Needed:
Several Dozen of ball ornaments – helps to find the shatter proof ones
Wreath form (foam tubing, styrofoam or straw)
Wire ribbon
Hot glue gun
Glue sticks
Hook for hanging
Tips & Tricks:
Create your work space by laying down a large sheet on the floor or over a table.
Get all of your essential elements together before hand.
For wreath form, the straw option is the cheapest, but has little variation when it comes to size. You can also go to a home improvement store and pick up a length of pipe foam and duct tape the two ends together to create a circle.
Plan on two to four hours to finish your project, depending on the size of your wreath.
Choose ornaments with different finishes and textures.
Get at least four different sizes of ornaments.
Work symmetrically around the wreath, and whatever you do to one side, do immediately after to the other. This is especially important when gluing on the large and medium sized ornaments.
Stock up on glass ball ornaments after Christmas this year (they’ll be on sale) and make your wreath on the cheap next year.
Pick your display spot carefully. Be sure that the wreath will not get crushed between a door and the wall and that nothing else will hit it. It is glass, after all.
You may use plastic ornaments; just keep in mind they have seams that will show.